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Board of Trustees

Group photo of the Board of Education

The Board of Trustees are residents of the Soledad Unified School District. They are elected by Trustee Areas  to four-year staggered terms by the registered voters within the Soledad Unified School District. The Board functions as the governing body of the school district and establishes policies by which the school district is operated. Programs and policies are governed according to laws and regulations as set by the Constitution of the State of California, State Education Code and California Administrative Code, Title 5. Board members can be contacted via email or mail addressed to them c/o Soledad Unified School District, 1261 Metz Road, Soledad, CA 93960.

Board Meetings

The Board holds regular meetings once a month on the second Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office according to the posted schedule:  1261 Metz Road, Soledad, CA 93960.

Notices of all meetings, both regular and special, are posted at the District Office, 1261 Metz Road Soledad, CA 93960, in advance of the meetings. All meetings are open to the public with the exception of “Closed Sessions,” which may be held to discuss confidential personnel matters, matters pertaining to an individual student, labor negotiations and legal matters. Special meetings are open to the public; however, only business for which the meeting was called can be discussed.


Photo of Mr. Christopher Bourke

Mr. Christopher Bourke
Office:  President
Term of Office Expires: November 2026

Photo of Mr. Ivan Ibarra Mora

Mr. Ivan Ibarra Mora
Office: Vice President
Cell: (831) 356-4348
Term of Office Expires: November 2028

Photo of Mr. Roberto Ocampo

Mr. Roberto Ocampo
Office: Clerk
Term of Office Expires: November 2028

Photo of Mr. Javier Galvan

Mr. Javier Galvan
Office: Board Member
Term of Office Expires: November 2028

Photo of {C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}Mrs. Monica Pantoja

Mrs. Monica Pantoja
Office: Board Member
Term of Office Expires: November 2026


Photo of Mr. Randy Bangs

Mr. Randy Bangs
Secretary to the Board